Silversmithing is the art of making in precious metals, historically gold, but also in silver, silver-plated or gold-plated metals, objects intended for table service or interior decoration.
Many complementary trades are involved in the manufacture of goldsmith pieces such as the turner-repeller, the glider, the chaser, the engraver, the polisher or the silversmith.
Shaped cold, with a hammer, the various parts are then generally assembled by brazing.

Reinventing the ocject through DECOR
Chiseling is one of the metal ornamentation techniques. The pieces are shaped, embossed and decorated using multi-profile tools, the chisels, and a hammer.
The chiseling is done on a half-sphere called a “boulet” filled with a reddish-brown wax: chiseling cement. This wax has the function of holding the piece and partly absorbing the shocks of the hammer.
It is a technique that requires precision, concentration and patience. Good drawing practice is also essential. In chiseling, there is no possible « repent » ; each tool stroke leaves a mark.

4 chemin du Courtet
34110 Vic-la-Gardiole